"TACK was here" A tiny museum of ROCK 'n' ROLL “TACK was here” ロックンロールミニ・ミュージアム 『TACK was here』がAMP UPで開催!

"Tack"こと、高橋辰雄氏は、ウドー音楽事務所の元代表取締役副会長で、現在は、顧問に就任。1974年にアルバイトとしてコンサート業界に入り、75年から正社員となり、40年以上、ツアーマネジャーを務めた。海外アーティストらには愛称「TACK」で親しまれ、エリック・クラプトン、ジェフ・ベック、ボブ・ディラン、ミック・ジャガー、ポール・マッカートニーら数多くのスーパースターを招聘してきた。そんなTackとロックのレジェンドアーティストたちが一緒に映った写真やプレゼントされたサイン入りのグッズなど、プライベートセレクションをAMP UPにて展示する。
Tatsuo Takahashi, a.k.a. “Tack,” is the former vice chairman of Udo Music Office and currently serves as an advisor. He began working in the concert industry in 1974 as a part-time employee and became a full-time employee in 1975, working as a tour manager for more than 40 years. Known as “TACK” to overseas artists, he has invited many superstars such as Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger, and Paul McCartney to perform in Japan.A private selection of photos of Tack and these legendary rock artists together, as well as autographed items that were given as gifts, will be on display at AMP UP.
(2024年8月1日からAMP UPをご利用の方のみに限定公開。終了時期:未定。Open to AMP UP visitors only from August 1, 2024. End date: TBD.)
[PHOTO and AUTOGRAPH] Eric Clapton with Elton John and Mark Knopfler and more.(1988)
Photo taken during rehearsals at the National Gymnasium before Eric's 8th tour of Japan. It was also Clapton's 25th anniversary tour, and he came to Japan with a gorgeous lineup of guests, including Elton John, Mark Knopfler. Following the previous year's concert in Japan, the show was held at the Tokyo Dome, and was also recorded for NHK's satellite broadcast
TACK: 来日中にF1を見たいということで、エリック、エルトン、マークとともにF1に行くことに。どうやって移動したらいいかなと悩んでいたら、LEYTON HOUSEさんが名古屋空港からヘリコプターを飛ばしてくれ、無事観戦することができました。お礼にコンサートチケット10枚を差し上げました。
TACK: I decided to go to F1 with Eric, Elton, and Mark because they wanted to see F1 during their visit to Japan. We were wondering how to get around, but LEYTON HOUSE flew us a helicopter from Nagoya Airport and we were able to watch the race successfully. In return, we gave them 10 concert tickets.
Band Lineup:
Eric Clapton-Guitar, Vocals
Mark Knopfler-Guitar
Elton John-Piano, Vocals
Nathan East-Bass
Steve Ferrone-Drums
Alan Clark-Keyboards
Ray Cooper-Percussion
Katie Kissoon-Backing Vocals
Tessa Niles-Backing Vocals[AUTOGRAPH] Eric Clapton (1995)
エリックが50歳の時、11回目の来日公演を行った時の直筆サイン。94年リリースされ大ヒットしたカバーアルバム『From the Cradle』を引っさげて行った「NOTHING BUT THE BLUES TOUR」の一環。
Autographed during Eric's 11th tour in Japan at the age of 50, as part of his “NOTHING BUT THE BLUES TOUR” with his cover album “From the Cradle,” which was a big hit when it was released in 1994.
[AUTOGRAPH] Jeff Beck Japan Tour band (2005)
ジェフ・ベックの2005年のジャパンツアーの時に、バンドメンバー全員にサインをしてもらったドラムのスネアヘッドを展示。アンコールで、たまたま愛知万博のイベントで来日していたJennifer Battenが登場した伝説のライブ。
A drum snare head autographed by all the band members during Jeff Beck's 2005 Japan tour is on display. The encore of this legendary concert featured Jennifer Batten, who happened to be in Japan for an event at the Aichi Expo.
TACK: Vinnieは宇多田ヒカルの初ライブでドラムを担当、のちに、ジェフにベーシストのタル・ウィルケンフェルドを紹介した重要人物でもあるんだよ。
TACK: Vinnie played drums at Utada Hikaru's first live show and later was a very important person in introducing bassist Tal Wilkenfeld to Jeff.
Band Lineup:
Jeff Beck - Guitar
Vinnie Colaiuta - Drums
Pino Palladino - Bass
Jason Rebello - Keyboards
Jimmy Hall - Vocal
Jennifer Batten - Guest guitarist for the encores[POSTER and AUTOGRAPH] Jeff Beck.(2010)
2010年4月、アルバム『Emotion & Commotion』を携えておこなわれたJeff Beckのジャパン・ツアーの後半3公演にあたる2010年4/10東京JCBホール、4/12東京国際フォーラム、4/13東京国際フォーラムの告知ポスターに直筆サインが入ったもの。
Poster with Jeff Beck's autograph on it announcing the second half of his Japan tour with the album “Emotion & Commotion” in April 2010 (4/10/10 at Tokyo JCB Hall, 4/12 and 4/13 at Tokyo International Forum).
[PHOTO and AUTOGRAPH] Culture Club (1983)
Memorial photo from a live appearance on the music program “Yoru No Hit Studio” that was broadcast on Fuji Television Network. The autograph also includes an illustration handwritten by Boy George.
[BASEBALL UNIFORM] Billy Joel.(2024)
16年ぶりに来日を果たしたビリーから譲ってもらった、特注の野球ユニフォーム。真相は不明だが、背番号が「22」ということから、2022年にメジャーリーグチームDetroit TigersのホームであるComerica Parkで初めて公演を行った時に作られたものの可能性も。
This custom baseball uniform was passed down to Tack from Billy, who was visiting Japan for the first time in 16 years. The truth is unknown, but since the number is “22,” it is possible that it was made for the first performance at Comerica Park, home of the Detroit Tigers Major League Baseball team, in 2022.
[PHOTO and AUTOGRAPH] Bad Company (1975)
Photo from Paul Rodgers' BadCompany's first visit to Japan, a one-day live performance at Nippon Budokan on March 3, 1975.
TACK:ポールはフリーとしては来日したことはあるけれども、Bad Companyとしては初めてだったからとても記憶に残っているんだ。
Paul had been to Japan before as a freelancer, but this was his first time as Bad Company, so it was very memorable.
[PHOTO and AUTOGRAPH] Grand Funk Railroad (1975)
暴風豪雨の中で後楽園球場で行われた伝説のライヴから、4年後の 1975年に2度目の来日を果たした際に撮影された写真とサイン。
Photographs and autographs taken during their second visit to Japan in 1975, four years after their legendary show at Korakuen Stadium in a heavy rainstorm.
TACK: They were the second band I took care of at the Budokan.