"Laid Back Sesson" is a YouTube program that features a laid-back chat between Char (Hisato Takenaka), a legendary guitarist who has led the Japanese guitar scene for over 45 years, and Australian drummer Tully Ryan, who has been the support drummer for Char's concerts since 2023. Shot at a pop-up bar in AMP UP, a private studio in Tokyo. We hope Char's personal and musical history and humorous character will be known to people all over the world. Also enjoy the session that is carried out in the groove.
"Laid Back Sesson"は、日本のギター界を45年以上も牽引してきたレジェンドギタリストCharと、2023年にCharのコンサートのサポートドラマーを務めたオーストラリア人ドラマーTully Ryanのレイドバックなチャットを覗き見することができるYouTube番組。東京にある隠れ家スタジオ"AMP UP"に1日限定でオープンしたバーにて撮影。世界中に、Charの人間的&音楽的な魅力が伝わるきっかけになれば制作した番組なので、全編英語となっております。英語が得意でない方も短めの動画なので、お勉強がてら是非! 英語だから言えちゃう初公開のネタもあるかもないかも!? 気ままなミニジャムセッションもお楽しみに。
Starting April 14. New episodes will be premire every Sunday 5PM(JST).There are 16 episodes in total.They will be published in the coming weeks.
2024年4月14日スタート。毎週日曜日5PMにプレミアム公開! 全16エピソードを毎週お楽しみください。
番組のスタート日、4月14日は、 CharとTullyが初共演した『LIVEVIL Live at EX THEATER ROPPONGI 2023』 のDVDの発売日!
Char (Guitarist/Singer/Composer)
Tully Ryan (Drummer)
Produced by: ITSUKA (AMP UP)
Born in Tokyo on June 16, 1955, Hisato Takenaka, real name Hisato Takenaka, is the president of ZICCA REDORDS. He started playing guitar at the age of 8 and has been a backup guitarist since his teens.After his debut in 1976 with "Navy Blue", he released "Smoky", "Kizetsusuruhodonayamashi", "Togyushi", and other hit songs.
In 1979, the year after Johnny, Louis & Char formed, he gave a free concert "Free Spirit" at Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall. 1988: Established Edoya, and in addition to his solo work, he has been a member of Psychedelix and BAHO. 2009: Established a online store-based label "ZICCA RECORDS. In May 2015, he released his 60th anniversary album "ROCK JYU. 2016, he was voted No. 1 in Guitar Magazine's " Japan's 100 Greatest Guitarists," a poll of professional guitarists and others in the music industry. In 2018, he released a signature model for Fender Custom Shop for the first time in Japan, and is currently developing various original musical instrument items under his original musical instrument brand, ZICCA AX. In 2020, his first album "Char" was voted as the best album by Guitar Magazine's poll "Japan's Greatest Guitar Masterpieces".In September 2021, released his first original album in 16 years, "Fret to Fret"; in December, held his 45th anniversary Budokan concert; in April 2022, released a video of the same concert.